
FAQ: General

Where are you located? How far is it from Kuala Lumpur?
We are located in Gohtong Jaya, Genting Highlands. It is about a 45 minutes drive depending on the traffic situation. Please Waze or Google “iGo Glamz ” to get to the exact location.


How can I make a reservation?
Visit https://igo.glamz.com.my/
Click on “Stay”
Select Check-in and Check-out dates
Select the available room(s) – Choose from our options
Fill in your details and proceed to make payment to secure your booking


What time is check-in and check-out?
Check-in: After 3:00 PM
Check-out: Before 11:00 AM
Please contact us if you require special check-in or check-out time
(additional charges may apply).


Can I book the place on my own without other guests?
Yes! You will have to book the entire place.

Note: Please check the availability of the entire place before making a reservation.


Can I bring pets?
Yes! iGo Glamz is the first pet-friendly glamping site in Malaysia! You may refer to our pets policy. 


For other enquiries…
Please visit our contact page



FAQ: Accommodation/Food

What will the room rate include?
Each room comes with a personal storage rack, hair dryer, drinking water, cloth rack, shoes rack, 2 units of power socket, fan, camping tables & chairs. Jiho comes with an attached shower & toilet, towels, mirror, hair dryer, drinking water, cloth rack, 2 units of power socket, air conditioner, fan, synthetic grass flooring and curtains.


Do bookings include breakfast?
Yes! Breakfast is complimentary! It is included as per the numbers of pax books. Our breakfast is D.I.Y. Adventure Breakfast, where iGo Glamz will prepare the raw food and guests have to do it by themselves. 


Does iGo Glamz have any dining options?
Yes! You may order our “KAKI BBQ Bundle Set” 

Set 1:
The Zabalang Set + Oink Oink Set – RM 200nett (2-3 pax)
Inclusive of: 1 x Disposable BBQ Pit 


Set 2:
The Zabalang Set – RM 113nett (2 pax)
Inclusive of: 1 x Disposable BBQ Pit 


Set 3:
Oink Oink Set – RM 124nett (2 pax)
Inclusive of: 1 x Disposable BBQ Pit 


Moreover, BBQ pit is available for rent from RM70/set (Price includes 1 bag of charcoal (1kg) and staff will get the fire ready. Food and BBQ Equipments ( Etc: BBQ Skewer, Cutleries, Cup, Bowl and Plate) need to be prepared ON YOUR OWN.


Request is subject to availability. Visit our website (https://igo.glamz.com.my/stay) for more info.


Do you have a bar? Do you serve alcoholic beverages?
We do serve alcoholic beverages in bottles. Only Soju and beer is available. 


Is the food there halal?
No, the food provided will be non-halal at iGo Glamz